Depthkit Studio hardware packages receive major upgrades at no additional cost to you.
Depthkit Studio turnkey hardware is the fastest and most affordable way to setup a volumetric video stage.
January 24, 2023
Scatter ships preconfigured Depthkit Studio hardware packages directly to you from our studio in Brooklyn, New York. This week the hardware packages just got a major upgrade, at no additional cost to you as our customer!
Depthkit Studio hardware packages are available today. Email to place your order.
Getting a Depthkit Studio hardware package from Scatter saves you weeks when building your capture stage. Scatter procures and configures the packages with quality, verified hardware components. We then run a complete battery of tests to ensure the system works end-to-end, meeting our performance requirements for minimal dropped frames at high resolutions. Each hardware package also comes with a personalized user manual to ensure fast and easy setup once its in your hands. We do all this so that you don’t have to waste anytime getting started.

Which Hardware Package is right for me?
Scatter offers two versions of the hardware package. The option that is right for you depends on your budget and capture goals:
- The 6-Sensor Package, available for $16,000, is an affordable entry point and great for building a mobile or semi-permanent volumetric capture stage. This configuration is ideal for capturing 360º volumetric video of one standing subject.
- The 10-Sensor Package, available for $27,000, provides the highest capture quality possible with Depthkit Studio. This offering has more camera coverage resulting in fewer occlusions. It also offers more flexibility to configure a larger capture volume for experimenting with bigger movements or multiple subjects.

The hardware package box includes everything you need to get started with Depthkit Studio. The bundle provides the Azure Kinect DK sensors, a powerful PC Workstation, all the cabling for data and synchronization needed. Plus we throw in some lightweight tripods and a printed calibration board so you can begin capturing right away. Customers provide their own lighting, permanent rigging and green screen - which vary based on their needs.
Cory Allen, Lead Technical Producer at Scatter says -
“Today’s upgrade to the Depthkit Studio hardware packages incorporate Scatter’s latest discoveries from our own research and development for volumetric video productions. Last year we executed several mission-critical projects for both cultural and corporate partners. The challenges and feedback provided opportunities to update the hardware used with Depthkit Studio. This week we are rolling those learnings into our updated hardware packages for the benefit of our new and existing customers.”
Today’s Hardware Package Updates
Let’s dig into what’s new in the 2023 refresh to our Depthkit Studio hardware packages.
6-Sensor Upgrade
For the same price as our previous 5-sensor option, customers will now receive a 6-sensor package. We’ve augmented our previous 5-sensor configuration with an additional sixth sensor to better capture both faces and hands. This new recommendation maintains the four sensors in the corners of the volume, then moves the fifth "hero" sensor to better capture the subject's face. The six sensor is placed above the subject for better capture of head, shoulders and chest.

Check out an example capture below created by the new 6-sensor configuration. This capture is part of an oral history project conducted at the Museum of the Moving Image.

External Hardware Synchronization
Depthkit Studio supports integrations with other professional audio video workflows. For example, Depthkit Cinema allows for pairing professional video cameras to add vivid color and higher resolution video. All Depthkit workflows support high-quality audio captured from professional mics.
Previously there was no way to establish hardware synchronization between these other cameras and mics, which could lead to drift especially in recordings that are 10 minutes or longer. Now the hardware packages feature an Ambient Recording's ACN-CL Lockit, which provides a universal external sync signal to the Azure Kinect array as well as any additional hardware. This ensures drift-free frame-accurate data even during long recordings.
Latest Generation Silicon
The hardware bundles also include the latest Ampere generation Nvidia GPUs and latest generation Intel i9 CPUs for increased capture throughput and stability.
For the full list of components, pricing and other information visit our Depthkit Studio hardware page.
Introducing Boxx, Our Trusted Hardware Partner
Scatter has a trusted partnership with Boxx to provide Depthkit Studio hardware package with rugged PCs. Boxx is the leading provider of workstations to the Media & Entertainment Industry. We are honored to sit alongside the best creative tools in the business as a preferred Boxx solution partner.

Can I use my own hardware?
Have you already invested in a powerful PC that meets our specs? Excited to build your own Depthkit Studio rig? Go for it! We encourage customers to provide their own hardware when it meets our specs. Scatter publishes all the detailed requirements in our Depthkit Studio hardware requirements. The hardware packages option is here for when you want to speed up your procurement process and get into production capturing as fast as possible.
Interested in learning more or ready to buy? Email